发布于 4年前

mysql ERROR 1093 (HY000)


mysql ERROR 1093 (HY000): You can't specify target table 'table_name' for update in FROM clause




1.获取wordpress中trem_id 大于 2 小于 16 的文章 id

select a.id from wp_posts a left join wp_term_relationships b on b.object_id=a.id left join wp_term_taxonomy c on c.term_taxonomy_id = b.term_taxonomy_id left join wp_terms d on d.term_id=c.term_id where c.term_id > 2 and c.term_id < 16;


  • 错误写法
update wp_posts set post_status='trash' where id in (select a.id from wp_posts a left join wp_term_relationships b on b.object_id=a.id left join wp_term_taxonomy c on c.term_taxonomy_id = b.term_taxonomy_id left join wp_terms d on d.term_id=c.term_id where c.term_id >= 2 and c.term_id <= 16);

这样会报 mysql ERROR 1093 (HY000): You can't specify target table 'wp_posts' for update in FROM clause 错误

  • 正确写法
update wp_posts set post_status='trash' where id in (select  id from (select a.id from wp_posts a left join wp_term_relationships b on b.object_id=a.id left join wp_term_taxonomy c on c.term_taxonomy_id = b.term_taxonomy_id left join wp_terms d on d.term_id=c.term_id where c.term_id >= 2 and c.term_id <= 16) e);




update 表A set 字段=值 where id in (select  id from (select 表A.id from wp_posts a left join ......一大长串查询......) 别名);
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