发布于 5年前
- (PHP 4 >= 4.4.3, PHP 5 >= 5.1.3, PHP 7)
- mb_check_encoding — Check if the string is valid for the specified encoding
- mb_check_encoding — 检查字符串在指定的编码里是否有效
bool mb_check_encoding ([ string $var = NULL [, string $encoding = mb_internal_encoding() ]] )
// Checks if the specified byte stream is valid for the specified encoding.
// It is useful to prevent so-called "Invalid Encoding Attack".
// 检查指定的字节流在指定的编码里是否有效。它能有效避免所谓的“无效编码攻击(Invalid Encoding Attack)”。
- The byte stream to check. If it is omitted, this function checks all the input from the beginning of the request.
- 要检查的字节流。如果省略了这个参数,此函数会检查所有来自最初请求所有的输入。
- The expected encoding.
- 期望的编码。
Return Values
- Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure.
- 成功时返回 TRUE, 或者在失败时返回 FALSE。
* Created by PhpStorm.
* User: zhangrongxiang
* Date: 2018/1/27
* Time: 下午2:59
$utf8Str = "I have 4 books and 2 magazines to check out. ";
echo ( mb_check_encoding( $utf8Str, 'utf-8' ) ) . PHP_EOL; //输出1
echo ( mb_check_encoding( $utf8Str, 'gbk' ) ) . PHP_EOL; //输出1
echo bin2hex( $utf8Str ) . PHP_EOL;
$gbkStr = mb_convert_encoding( $utf8Str, 'gbk', 'utf-8' );
echo bin2hex( $gbkStr ) . PHP_EOL;
/**gbk编码的字符串 --> 设置文件编码为gbk*/
$str = '博客园和github。';
echo mb_check_encoding( $str, 'utf-8' ) . PHP_EOL; //输出空
echo mb_check_encoding( $str, 'gbk' ) . PHP_EOL; //输出1
/**utf-8编码的字符串 --> 设置文件编码为utf-8*/
$str = '博客园和github。';
echo mb_check_encoding( $str, 'utf-8' ) . PHP_EOL; //1
echo mb_check_encoding( $str, 'gbk' ) . PHP_EOL; //输出空
$utf8Str = '我abc是谁.';
echo mb_check_encoding( $utf8Str, 'utf-8' ) . PHP_EOL; //输出1
echo mb_check_encoding( $utf8Str, 'gbk' ) . PHP_EOL; //输出1
function is_utf8( $str ) {
return (bool) preg_match( '//u', serialize($str) );
echo 'hello 中国!' .is_utf8( 'hello 中国!' ) . PHP_EOL; //1
function check_utf8( $str ) {
$len = strlen( $str );
for ( $i = 0; $i < $len; $i ++ ) {
$c = ord( $str[ $i ] );
if ( $c > 128 ) {
if ( ( $c > 247 ) ) {
return false;
} elseif ( $c > 239 ) {
$bytes = 4;
} elseif ( $c > 223 ) {
$bytes = 3;
} elseif ( $c > 191 ) {
$bytes = 2;
} else {
return false;
if ( ( $i + $bytes ) > $len ) {
return false;
while ( $bytes > 1 ) {
$i ++;
$b = ord( $str[ $i ] );
if ( $b < 128 || $b > 191 ) {
return false;
$bytes --;
return true;
} // end of check_utf8
echo check_utf8("hello 中国").PHP_EOL; // 1
echo check_utf8( "\x00\xE3").PHP_EOL; //空
/** check a strings encoded value */
function checkEncoding( $string, $string_encoding ) {
$fs = $string_encoding == 'UTF-8' ? 'UTF-32' : $string_encoding;
$ts = $string_encoding == 'UTF-32' ? 'UTF-8' : $string_encoding;
return $string === mb_convert_encoding( mb_convert_encoding( $string, $fs, $ts ), $ts, $fs );
/* test 1 variables */
$string = "\x00\x81";
$encoding = "Shift_JIS";
/* test 1 mb_check_encoding (test for bad byte stream) */
if ( true === mb_check_encoding( $string, $encoding ) ) {
echo 'valid (' . $encoding . ') encoded byte stream!' . PHP_EOL;
} else {
echo 'invalid (' . $encoding . ') encoded byte stream!' . PHP_EOL;
/* test 1 checkEncoding (test for bad byte sequence(s)) */
if ( true === checkEncoding( $string, $encoding ) ) {
echo 'valid (' . $encoding . ') encoded byte sequence!' . PHP_EOL;
} else {
echo 'invalid (' . $encoding . ') encoded byte sequence!' . PHP_EOL;
/* test 2 */
/* test 2 variables */
$string = "\x00\xE3";
$encoding = "UTF-8";
/* test 2 mb_check_encoding (test for bad byte stream) */
if ( true === mb_check_encoding( $string, $encoding ) ) {
echo 'valid (' . $encoding . ') encoded byte stream!' . PHP_EOL;
} else {
echo 'invalid (' . $encoding . ') encoded byte stream!' . PHP_EOL;
/* test 2 checkEncoding (test for bad byte sequence(s)) */
if ( true === checkEncoding( $string, $encoding ) ) {
echo 'valid (' . $encoding . ') encoded byte sequence!' . PHP_EOL;
} else {
echo 'invalid (' . $encoding . ') encoded byte sequence!' . PHP_EOL;